| 6 People on What Life Is Like With Psoriatic Arthritis

by Amy Marturana Winderl, C.P.T. from

"Because psoriatic arthritis can affect any of your joints, including the ones in your fingers and toes, it can be hard to even hold a toothbrush or get out of bed to make breakfast. These tasks can be near impossible to do during flares, or periods of time when your symptoms get worse. It’s common to experience flares as well as periods where your symptoms improve or go into remission.

The good news is that the right treatment plan, which typically includes medication and lifestyle factors such as not smoking, can help people achieve remission and live with minimal pain once they find what works for them. Without treatment, the condition can be debilitating, and over time, cause permanent joint damage and disability. 

Unfortunately, there is no single test that can identify if you have psoriatic arthritis, so it can be an uncomfortable journey to get a correct diagnosis and find a solid treatment plan. And sometimes a medication that works initially may become less effective, leading to even more trial-and-error to find a solution."

She asked six individuals living with psoriatic arthritis about what they wish other people knew about their experiences—here’s what they said. >>

If you're still wondering what is causing your flare up, get The Trigger Tracker to guide your investigation. Track down & examine prime suspects, identify new leads, and collect information so you can look back and re-trace your steps.


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